Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Ever since I first met Chris, 13 years ago, he has told me of his most beloved, most favorite drink Frescolita! Even the way he says Frescolita , is like he's talking about a long lost girl friend or something. Well imagine the scene when a couple of weeks ago we met the parents of one of Linden's classmates...who just happen to be from Venezuela....and who just happened to know of a latin market just 20 minutes away from us that sells Frescolita. Well, he didn't weep with joy, but I think he may have squeeled with joy!!! Needless to say, we were there the next day, and Chris bought a FLAT of Frescolita (48 cans, I think). His joy was complete when he also found his favorite Malta - Malta Polar. As for Frescolita....tastes like Cream Soda, LOL :-) Chris is perhaps most proud of Linden who LOVES Malta, just as much as he does!

1 comment:

Randi - 4 the Love of Math said...

Oh no! Lindy is trapped in the malta craze! lol I have tried to drink that stuff so many times (supossedly I wasn't part of the family if I did not like it) but I just never have been able to stand the taste. Eww!! :)